Sunday, April 28, 2024

Great return and revival in the GenZ

 If someone is willing to know more about the right way to live in this life and the right way to come to heaven it is becoming much easier through the exposure to the huge amount of videos and content about Christianity on the web and the direct and immediate access to the holy bible.Of course this may be a journey that can be confusing for many since there are so many directions and divisions, but the only way to find out the truth is from the source itself which is the bible. 

The bible is written in very simple way with the intention for all who read it to understand it first hand with no need for experts to explain it and by this we know that it is inspired and written by the true God and the hoily spirit because a God who really wants his people to understand and get his message will never give them a complicated book that needs a certain level og intelligence and understanding to explain it.A God who is unable to reach each and every person with a simple and direct message is not the true God.This is one of the reasoins many people from different backgrounds and faiths become so excited after reading the bible and simplicity in its language unlike the other religious book which are so complicated and needs many other resources to explain the text.

Many young people hace come to the faith after experiencing the fulfillment that this relationship with him gives with a constant presence and nearness like no other person or God.

For what great nation is there that has a god so near to it as the LORD 

our God [is to us] whenever we call on Him?

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