Sunday, February 21, 2021

God’s Gift Of Health

More than any other year there was focus on health and sickness in the past year and people all around the world were affected directly or in directly by the pandemic.

I was thinking in the past few days about how God has blessed me with supernatural health from my childhood till now whereas people who are younger than me and older have been cursed with many serious illnesses.

In school and later in university I was the only student that showed up everyday except for Christmas and Easter vacations.

This didn’t change later , I enjoyed excellent health that enabled me to work ,travel , be active on social media for years and take perfect care of my children all the time on my own even when I was “ married” and full responsibility after divorce.

People may give credit to genes or environmental factors that are also important.

For me as a child I didn’t think too much about health ,but when I became an adult I became more aware of this subject especially when I saw some friends suffer from different types of sicknesses.

I knew that God has given me this gift ,but I didn’t have a biblical insight about it.

When I discovered the importance of the Holy communion and the supernatural power that comes with it , I realized that this could be one of the reasons since I attended church and took the holy communion on regular basis .

The other most significant reason I found from the Bible is God’s promise to those who love him and serve him from their heart , his promise to them is to bless them and take away sickness from among them.

I enjoy telling people about the true Jesus who I think I have spent much  time with him than any other person in this generation and that increased the anointing on my life tremendously , with it comes supernatural power and health.

The last few years my enemies on social media increased proporionately to the anointing and they have spread all kinds of lies about me including serious sicknesses.

The worst enemies are people who call themselves christians eventhough they act the devil.

I have learned this long time ago that all fake people and particularly christians don't feel comfortable around me because the anointing on me exposes them and they can't deceive others anymore.

When I disappear from social media it is for either lack of support or working on new projects not because of health issues.

Jesus prohibits us from preaching the gospel to people who refuse to listen and he commands us to leave and even shake the dust from your sandals that belong to that place before leaving and wait for God's judgement on that place for rejecting him through his messangers.

I preach the real Jesus and his kingdom which is greatly opposed by religious and fake christians ,but God want this message out quickly because the deception in the church and outside the church is huge.

If you are struggeling with any kind of sickness consider the things I mentioned about taking the holy communion , spending time with Jesus daily , searching for his health promises in the bible ,praying about them  and eating healthy stuff which will keep you healthy.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

The Revelation That Will Change Your Life


Today is Valentine's day and though it is different this year from any other year,there are still many who love to celebrate this day as couples while single people prefer to keep silent.

I want to reveal to you something that will change the way you think as a single Christian or even as a married person.

If you are a believer in Jesus you are never single. In fact all christians are married even the single and divorced.

God has declared in the bible many times that " I am married to Israel".

Israel for the new covenant believers is the church and the body of Christ. 

In fact the name of the first and the second covenant refers to marriage covenant.God has many times declared that his people broke his covenant through many prophets  and therefore Jesus was sent to eadtablish a new covenant based on better promises.

In the first covenant the blood of animals was required to seal the covenant. In the second covenant Jesus sealed the covenant with his own blood and the sacrifice was made only once and forever.

When you believe in Jesus and enter into this relationship with him, he will become your partner.Like any other relationship it requires time and energy to get to know each other and stay connected.

There is not such a thing as many christians misunderstood that if you leave him or want to end the relationship that he will stay.

When David instructed Solomon before his reign on Israel he said clearly to him: If you forsake him he will forsake you.

All these worship songs about how God will never leave you no matter what and he will always chase you are not biblical. 

Take a look around you and you will see the people who don't want God or Jesus , God doesn't chase them or force them to be with him.

Jesus said: I am standing at the door and knocking ,if you open I will enter.

This relationship is conditional. God removes his presence and brings it back according to people's actions.

The glory in the first covenant represented his presence and we read throughout the bible that the glory departed from them or the glory returned based on their actions.

In this covenant of Jesus we have the person of the Holy Spirit who lives within us and those who know him well know when he is activated and when he is not.He is gentle and can be deactivated by one's words and actions.

For christians love is celebrated every day not once a year because we know that by faith, Jesus is our bridegroom and we are  his eternal bride.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

The Biblical Reasons For Divorce

 Today I’m going to focus on the cases in which divorce is allowed in the new covenant.There are also details in the book of Leviticus which regulates divorce but I will not go there.

 Before Jesus came adultery was defined only by physical intimacy with someone who is not your husband or wife ,but Jesus took it into a whole new level by saying that if you looked into someone and lusted in your heart , you have already committed adultery.

Adultery is the legal reason for divorce because it breaks the covenant of loyalty and faithfulness.

I wonder how many married people are living together with a broken covenant?

In God's eyes they are divorced no matter how many family pictures they post on social media or pictures of their spouse or even they keep on having children.

 If you have lusted in your heart after another person your covenant is already annuled.You can fool people but you can never fool God.

Jesus' standard for love and marriage is very high.He wants wives to be loved as he loved the church and gave his own life for her. In the book of song of songs he gives us a glimpse of how women should be loved and treated in a relationship.

Sometimes the covenant is invalid from the start if it was based on lies and deception.

So not every married couple is actaully married in God's eyes.There are many who stay together for other reasons like keeping their image or because of house or car loans.

Back to the reasons, there is another important reason which is rarely mentioned and that is being married to a non believer or they become  non be likevel during marriage.

Paul has a clear command about this in 1 Corinthians 7

" but if the unbelieving partner separates ,let it be so.In such cases the brother or sister is not bound .God has called you to live in peace."

There is another verse on the importance of not being yoked with unbelievers because this will lead to conflict and will ruin the marriage.

In these cases the divorce is biblical and legal.kan

If you are considering divorce because of these reasons don't waste more time and do it ,because people will try to convince you to stay longer ,work harder and expect them to change but you will only waste more time in the wrong relationship.

May be you are serving the Lord and people are trying to stop you now because you are divorced ,  you should never stop because God did'nt say: because you were married I called you ,

but he said: before you were formed in the womb I called you .

That means anything that happens later do not cancel the call unless you do.

The anointing will not disappear after the divorce ,but it actually increases because now we have more time for prayer ,worship ,study and fellowship with the spirit.

My advice to every believer : single,married or divorced is to focus first on your relationship with God because this is the only thing that will help you no matter the season and will nourish your spirit and soul and give you the true satisfaction that only God can give.

Divorce is a new start in life and brand new opportunity to become all God wants you to become.The freedom that comes with it is unbelievable.

Now all the sudden you are no longer bound to the heavy traditions and customs.

Jesus said my yoke is easy and this is very true because when we are joined with him we move together in the same direction with the same rythem ,his power becomes ours and through him we can do all things.

I believe God is raising this group of people to higher levels of influence because he wants to show that he is also God of the divorced

In USA the new first lady was a divorced woman who got remarried and this is the first time I think such thing happens though you don't hear about it in any church .I believe God is promoting this group of people regardless of people's approval or not because Jesus himself went through the same thing.

Mary ( the earthly mother of Jesus) was actually supposed to be divorced after she told Joseph about her pregnancy.He had only tow choices according to Torah: either divorce her publicly or privately , but since he loved her, he wanted to divorce her privately that's why God had to stop him through a dream and Jesus was born as a result.

Jesus lived with this stigma his whole life but he never allowed it to hinder his plan or his mission  on earth which he completed successfully.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Divorce Is As Important As Marriage If Not More

 This is the subject that the Lord has been urging me to talk about in a while for many reasons and I think now is the appropriate time.

I will only focus on biblical divorce which is mentioned in the bible in both the old and the new covenant hoping it will help many persons who are stuck in bad marriages thinking that it is God’s will.

A bad marriage is not God’s will for anyone and don’t believe those who say that it is your cross.It is a lie from the enemy to keep you from enjoying life and completing your assignment on earth.

Every time I would ask Jesus about divorce he would lead me to this verse no matter how many times I asked the answer was the same:

“The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath”

At first I thought Jesus was not listening to me or even not understanding my question because I keep asking him about divorce and he keeps talking about the sabbath.

Then I searched for the word sabbath to know what it exactly meant

and I knew from before that it was the rest day ordered by God for his people ,but the search gave me the same result:Complete rest ,seize from toiling and enjoying God and life.

Then I understood what Jesus was saying to me .He was saying that marriage was made for man not man for marriage.You should not sacrifice your life to keep this institution by doing this you are not honoring God nor bringing glory to his name.

Marriage should be like the sabbath day :to enter into complete rest ,harmony and to enjoy life.

To be honest I tried to avoid this topic for so long because I 'm done with it ,but the Lord keeps reminding me of it to help other people who are going through what I went through and cannot find the right and the biblical counsel they need .

 Divorce is more important than marriage .If you never get married and stayed single your whole life there will be no serious consequences for that decision even Jesus is still single ,but if you stay in a bad marriage the consequences may become very serious many people may be involved.

I think I am more qualified than any other pastor both male or female to talk about divorce because I went through this process myself  and had to navigate through this unknown thing all by myself with Jesus as my counsellor.

What you read in few lines here it took me years to discover.

I still remember searching for Christian divorce articles and videos in the Internett and finding very few , shallow ones and often from a man’s perspective.

I was and still am shocked by how little this important  issue is discussed in the church and by christians to the degree that makes you think that no one is reading their bibles or no one knows someone who needs to hear this message.

That’s one of the reasons that delayed my divorce because I had to find all the answers by myself with absolute no help from the church or family.

Divorce is allowed by God i some cases ,but almost forbidden by his people.

Growing up in the catholic faith and family ,divorce was something unheard of  for christians.We combined divorce with Islam because the only divorced people we knew were muslims.

And now I know why. One of the reasons is the ignorance of the religious leaders in this area since all catholic pastors are single and they never experienced being married or having to deal with different situations and issues.

In the west though pastors are married they are also against biblical divorce because I think they are mostly afraid that their wives or daughters may be encouraged to break up their relationships if they allow It for others.

The other significant reason is the huge society pressure to stay married no matter what the consequences may be .I thought this thing was challenging in the middle east ,but to my surprise it was not easier in the west specially with christians and pastors.They are divided on many biblical issues but united on this topic :divorce.

I have never seen a divorced pastor serving in churches , there might be some here and there ,but I haven’t seen any.

This thing must change quickly ,because there are many divorced and God- loving people who are not allowed to serve the Lord just because their marriage didn’t work out while many unqualified,uneducated and unanointed persons are allowed to do so just because they are married.

No wonder why Jesus hated the religious group and rebuked them everyday because even in these days they have not changed much , they are using his name, but ignorant of his will and word.

Tomorrow I will speak about the biblical reasons for divorce.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

God`s Qualities Become Ours


Quality is the degree of excellence or the essence of standard that makes one product better 

than another.The quality of a product can be no better than the qualities of the product`s source.

You cannot use rotten apples to make a delicious apple pie

All the essensial qualities that determine who God is and how he acts also determine who we are and how

we were designed to act.

Our potential is wrapped up in God because his qualities establish ours.

When we understand and accept the nature and qualities of God we can begin to understand and accept ours.

This revelation is a major key to the success of us believers because when we know that God never fails and we have this same spirit within us we can do anything he asks us to do with full confidence in the end result.The enemies are many to oppose God`s work ,but they always fail because their source is not like our source.

In God success and prevailing is guaranteed as long as we anode in him.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

God Uses Busy People

 Have you ever noticed who God uses?

God uses busy people.God really loves busy people because their busyness shows that they are willing to work.

Jesus' preference for busy people is evident in his choice of the four fishermen ,who where preparing their nets, to be his first followers.

The priority Jesus put on work is also evident later in his ministry as he went through the towns and villages of Galilee and Judea , teaching in the synagogues and doing good wherever he went.

Jesus saw that there was much to be done,but the workers were few therefore he instructed his disciples to pray for workers because he needed them.

He needed people who would do their best to bring others into the Kingdom of God.

The bible starts with God working and creating all things and he continues throughout the bible to lead,appoint,perform signs and wonders,instruct,bringing  justice,fighting for his people and he is still working because he is a living God.

Many people think that heaven will be a place of rest,but the opposite is true.

Heaven is and will always be a place of work.This life is only a test to qualify or disqualify people from promotion to heaven.

Working for Jesus has always opened doors

in my life. There are many times that God has blessed me with things  that I never prayed for because when we work for him ,he rewards us generously.

If you are having difficulty to find a job in these challenging times I encourage you to begin working for God with all you have and the other jobs will follow.