Sunday, April 7, 2024

A year of rest and instant release

God cares about rest and takes it seriously as he himself
 rested on the 7th day after completing the creation of all things.
In all cultures the focus is on the work and not on the rest in fact only in the bible we find this rest principle and how it works more effectively than otherwise.
Most of us consider rest as a waste of time and we would be rather doing something than just rest ,but God's perspective is totally different and he wants us to rest and even the land to rest so that we will be refreshed and energized in the time of rest so that when it is time to work again we will be more effective and healthy to carry on.The same for the land when
it is not being sown or harvested it will gain all the minerals and all the necessary nutrients and be ready to give it's full increase instead of depleating it and giving a little harvest afterwards.

The people asked a question which is quite logical?How will we eat in a whole year if we just rest?
And then the answer came that the Lord will command his blessing in the seventh year so that you will eat and be provided for in abundance in the sabbatical year when the land is resting from sowing and reaping.
In other words when you rest God goes to work and provide everything you need and more for you and your family until the time comes for working again.
God will command the blessing so that you can be released from you labor and enjoy doing other things that you didn't have the time to do because of working in the field.
How amazing are his thoughts and his ways for us ?they are far beyond any comprehention and 
always for our best.

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