Saturday, June 29, 2019

Important facts about bible mountains

*  God chose a mountain as the place where he gave his law

* God chose a mountain as the site for the earthly temple

* God chose a mountain as monuments of cursing and blessing

* Moses and Aaron were commanded to die on mountains

* Mountains has always been the favorite places for refuge

* A mountain was the capital of Israel 

* The greatest temptations were overcome on a mountain

* The greatest of sermons was preached on a mountain

* The greatest prayers were prayed on a mountain

* The greatest prophecies were given on a mountain

* The greatest revelations were given on mountains

* Christ was transfigured on a mountain

* The crucifixtion of Christ took place on a mountain

* Christ Ascended from a mountain

* Christ will make his future landing on earth on a mountain

* A mountain will be the eternal earthly capital of Christ

* Many other events have taken place on mountains 
as is clear from the 577 times they are referred to in scripture

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

30 Limitations Of God

He Cannot

1. Break his own laws.

2. Lie.

3. Deny himself.

4. Have respect of persons.

5. Save one soul apart from grace and faith in Christ.

6. Be unrighteous.

7. Bless men apart from faith.

8. Curse men who meet his terms .

9. Do away with or change his eternal plan.

10. Save rebels who persist in rebellion  ,refusing to meet his terms.

11. Be tempted with evil.

12.Tolerate hypocrisy.

13. Spare himself or Christ in the redemption of the human race from eternal hell.

14. Turn down a soul that comes to him according to his terms.

15. Judge the righteous with the wicked.

16. Fail to answering prayer when unwavering faith excercised.

17. Forgive one unconfessed sin.

18. Keep one saved who lives in sin.

19. Automatically cancel death penalty when men sin and incur that penalty.

20. Do away with free moral agency and moral responsibility.

21. Make one a slave to himself so that he can never go back into sin if he chooses.

22. Garantee that every saved man will continue in Christ.

23. Make any man a son of God in the same sence Jesus is.

24. Look upon the sins of the saved as being unreal ,or deal with them on a different basis from those of the unsaved.

25. Cancel any reaping for what is sown.

26. Force a man to serve him against his own will.

27. Recognize any man as his child or his servant who serves sin and the devil.

28. Keep the saved from sin if he chooses to go back to sin.

29. Keep one from incurring death penalty should he go back into sin.

30. Be lenient with any who sin or encourage anarchy in moral government.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Future Names Of Jerusalem

The city of righteousness

The faithful city

The city of the Lord

The holy mountain

The Zion of the holy one of Israel

Hephzibah,My delight is in her

Sought out

A city not forsaken

The throne of the Lord

A green olive tree

A city of truth

The mountain of the Lord of hosts

Sunday, June 16, 2019

The Truth About Grace

It is true that grace cannot be withheld from man or be mixed with the law of works;but this does not prove that there are no conditions men must meet in order to get the benefits of grace .

Not one scripture teaches unconditional grace or that God gives grace to men who disobey the gospel. 

If so ,then God is under obligation to save all,even sinners who disobey if he saves even one.

God is under obligation to saints, only when they walk in the light and remain true to the gospel.

He is not obligated to sinners until they come to full obedience of the gospel.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Flesh Versus Spirit Life

The Fleshly Life                                                                         The Spiritual Life

Minds things of the flesh                                                                 things of spirit

Carnally minded                                                                            Spiritually minded

Spiritually dead                                                                                         alive

Enmity to God                                                                                      no enmity

Not subject to God                                                                                   subject

Cannot be subject                                                                                       can

Cannot please God                                                                                     can

Not in the spirit                                                                                    in the Spirit

Not Christ's                                                                                            is Christ's

Body alive to sin                                                                                    dead to sin

Spirit dead to God                                                                                       alive

No Christ                                                                                                Christ in life

Sinful life                                                                                                righteous life

No Holy Spirit                                                                                   Spirit indwelling

No body quickening                                                                                quickening  

Debtor to flesh                                                                                           not debtor

No help from spirit                                                                                        help 

End:   death                                                                                                 End: life