Sunday, April 7, 2024

He came to set us all free

 Freedom is clearly seen as God's purpose for his children all over the bible.

A type of responsible and wise freedom that leads us to live free from sin,worry, doubt,

uncertainty and be instead free to live the christian life of love,hope,faith and assurance of our eternity.

The goal of  jubilee is primarily financial freedom by cancelling all debts and then personal freedom by setting all the captives free so no one will control them and control their decisions.

Financial freedom is God's will for everyone and cancelling all debts is one of the ways to relieve people and lift the financial pressure from them every jubilee cycle and even if they end up in debt due to vaious reasons so they wont lose hope or worry because they know that in the next year of jubilee they will be free again.God's laws are awesome and their goals are always to make life easier and more enjoyable for the individual so that they can focus on what really matters which is their relationship with God and with others and their eternity.

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