Monday, May 31, 2010

Let God be God

It is a natural desire to want to be in control of your life; however, it is not an attainable goal. Assuming you can control all the people and situations that come into your life is an unrealistic expectation—and one that leaves you frustrated, angry, and exhausted.

God has a good plan for everyone that includes a life far superior to anything the world has to offer, but attaining it involves dying to self. God relentlessly pursues the flesh—our human nature—and is intent on setting us free from its control. The process of letting go and giving up control can be painful, but the end result is worth it. So let go of control and let God be God in your life.

Joyce Meyer


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

He Always Shows Up

Have you ever made a commitment and then wished you hadn't? I'm sure it happens to everyone at some point. Maybe you made a commitment to go somewhere with a friend or to someone's house for dinner, and at the last minute, you're too tired or something else comes up and you want to switch your plans.

Well the other day, that's exactly what happened to me. I had committed to go somewhere and when it came time to get ready, I was so exhausted. It had been a long day and I was thinking to myself, "Boy, I wish I hadn't committed to this! I wish there was some way I could get out of doing this." As I thought for a minute, it made me realize that sometimes we think God is like us—that He makes a commitment, but we aren't sure He's going to show up. We aren't sure He really wants to do it.

Well, let me reassure you today, God will never call and cancel! He will never "get out of the mood" and "something else" will never come up with God! He always shows up. He never withholds His provision. Just because we don't want to show up sometimes doesn't mean that God doesn't. He is the friend that sticks closer than a brother. He is the faithful One. He is always true to His promises.

Today, meditate on that fact. Let it sink down in your heart. The God of the universe is able and willing to meet your needs. It pleases Him to give you the kingdom. He is faithful from everlasting to everlasting, and His Word is forever settled. Have confidence today when you reach out to Him because you can trust that He will always show up anytime you call upon His name.

He will call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him (Psalm 91:15, NIV).

Victoria Osteen

Friday, May 7, 2010

لا تتذمر .. وراء كل ألم بركة

لا تتذمر من الخيمة وحر النهار فقد تتشرف بزيارة الله كأبراهيم فى شكل ثلاثة رجال للبشارة.

لا تتذمر من السجن وإن كنت بريئآ فقد كان السجن ليوسف سلمآ يؤدى الى رئاسة الوزارة..

لا تتذمر من الجوع فقد يوصلك - مع يعقوب - الى لقاء الحبيب.

لا تتذمر من رعاية الغنم فى البرية فقد اهلت موسى لرعاية شعب الله.

لا تتذمر من ضياع الاتن فقد توجت شاول ملكآ وهو يفتش عليها.

لا تتذمر من فقدان سلامة اخوتك فقد كانت أول خطوات داود نحو الملك.

لا تتذمر من جب الأسود الجائعة فقد يكون مكانآ لك مع ملاك الرب المنقذ.

لا تتذمر فى الطريق من الصليب  فقد يقودك هذا الصليب كما قاد سمعان القيروانى - مع شخصية يسوع المبارك.

لا تتذمر من ألم الأضهادات والسجون فقد يكون مع الألم لذة لقاء السجان مع رب المجد يسوع المسيح.

لا تتذمر من النفى - ولو فى جزيرة بطمس - فقد تتمتع هناك برؤيا الرب يسوع وتكون فى الروح فى يوم الرب.


التذمر وعدم الشكر
مرقس عزيز خليل