Sunday, March 31, 2024

Hallelujah because he rose


Today I'm really hopeful and filled with joy for the resurrection of 
our saviour from the grave
This event is important not only as a foundation of our faith but also
 as a living proof that 
when we follow Jesus and be filled with this same powerfull and perfect spirit we will overcome every obstacle in life and live an exciting life filled with testimonies and answered prayers.
And what is best with Jesus is that things happen quickly unlike the first covenant when there was a lot of waiting and promises could take a very long time
 before they were manifested.
I studied the life of Jesus and his way of doing things for so long and I am so grateful for his work and sacrifice that he could offer us a life filled with hope and victories no matter the size or the position of the opponents.
God sent his son to show us an example and the right way of doing things and get results and that through his spirit dwelling in us we can do the same works and even greater than his ,as he said.
In this life we will face opposition and challenges when we stick to God and do his will which will always provoke the kingdom of darkness and threaten their position but Jesus said that we should not take
 a thought because greater is he who is in us than he who is in the world.

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