Sunday, July 21, 2024

A choice that blesses

                         A choice that blesses     

We all know life is a series of choices that are made by us and by others.Each choice comes with a cost so why not make a choices that God himself considers as good choices that will lead to a life rich with experiences with God and the interesting journey of knowing him and how he comes through for us who believe in him to save us and do what it takes to protect us from dangers.

A life with Jesus Christ our saviour is a life that God himself blesses and I will mention in details some of the blessings,but a life that is cvharacterized by rejecting God is anything but blessed.

For example we can examine how the chosen people of God and his first fruits known us the jewish people are still paying an expensive price for rejecting Jesus and their unbelief in the one whom God sent has caused them to suffer unneccessarly had they just accepted him.

Although God has not rejected them and his plan for their salvation is still at work and he is fighting withg them and giving them success and confirming his promises that he made to Abraham ,Isaac and Jacob but due to the individual's free will he cannot stop the consequences that comes with disobedience.

Therefore it is crusial to make choices that are good in God's eyes and not society or other individuals who are not walking with God or do no know him or his will.


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