Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Christians Must Assist Governments


God establishes earthly governments with the purpose of keeping the law, executing justice, applying his moral standards in societies, and keeping order.

But when any government fails to meet his expectation and leads the people in another direction, encouraging its citizens to do what God hates or pervert justice then comes God's judgment on that nation in different ways to let them correct themselves and return to his original plan and purpose.

Here comes the role of Christians in assisting governments by pointing out the wrong that is done and showing them God's law and perspective on issues from his word to escape his judgment and keep the nation blessed and protected.

The same happens if they pervert justice because he relies on earthly courts to execute justice but when they fail so he interferes and brings justice himself in his way.

Christians are the people who should inform others about God's laws and ways and warn them about the consequences of ignoring or removing him from the nation.

We can see clearly when a nation is blessed and divinely protected when it follows and respects God's word and God's people and we can also see the curse coming on a nation for not doing so.

Trying to silence and marginalize Christians comes with a huge cost and serious consequences for them because Christians are supposed to direct the nation in the right way to stay blessed and protected

 and escape judgment then destruction.

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