Sunday, March 13, 2022

Lying Lips Will Be Silenced


Not a long while ago I received this revelation about the increased conflict in the world and also in the church and now like never before we are fighting our greatest fight against lying people,media and even pastors and churches who are deceiving the audience to believe lies and not telling them the truth.

Adults and most grown-up people who suppose to know better are becoming deceived also by the amount of information and the onset of the attacks by fake news, beliefs and ultering good evil and evil good ect.

Coming from Iraq,I expected to have a different experience in Norway but I was and still am shocked by the lying culture and system which causes huge challenges as a result.I can say with assurance that Iraqis are more honest than most of the people here.

The other big problem is encouraging and promoting liars and oppressing and suppressing honest and law followers people which sends wrong signals to all who want to be live a righteous life.

We have a system that lies about our qualifications so that people are denied to work with their profession and get the pay they deserve for the degree they earned.

Officials hired only to lie about immigrants and cause conflicts in their families.

Judges perverting justice and much more of corruption which we are witnessing in this time more than any other.

Wars staring against peaceful and innocent people based only on lies.

Worse of all is the churches and pastors who use the pulpit and have no fear at all for God and preach in the name of God messages and sermons that are totally unbiblical.

Not at any other time has truth and lies become so difficult to be discerned like this time we live in and the bible warns us about the huge deception in the end times and that in the very end even many of the elect will be deceived.

The solution is to expose the lies and the liars and never stay silent.

Liars won't stop if we keep silent but on the contrary. Jesus spent his years of ministry exposing the religious and liars to his followers.In fact, his first test after being baptized was with the devil in the wilderness and he passed it only because he didn't keep silent but silenced the devil by the word of God.

It is through bible reading that we can know the truth and this truth will set us and others free( through practicing and preaching it )from the lies of the enemy and bring righteousness and justice which are the foundation of God's throne here on earth even in these end times.


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