In the bible believers are adviced how to stay away from borrowing by following God's commands on finances and the principle of tithing and generous giving that ensure the continuity of the blessing in their lives.Nevertheless sometimes due to uncontrollable circumstances and the society man is living in ,individuals are forced to borrow from banks and others to study and to buy a car ,house ,property ect...
The whole western culture is based on borrowing to finance different issues as a solution for many problems.
Growing up in Iraq the situation was totally different at that time.(I don't know how it is now),but borrowing was a very negative thing and people had to work and save moeny to buy what they needed.Schools and universities and education in general was free.
According to the bible in the book of leveticus God has provided in the year of jubilee (each 7th year) a financial plan to earse all debts as a way of taking off the pressure from people and giving them a new chance to fix their finances and start again a debt free year.
In the world we are living in today there are common financial problems in different countries around the world.Debts are the major problem as nations and as individuals and are causing huge pressure in everyday life.
What if the biblical principle of debts cancellation was applied for nations and individuals in the whole world? The whole globe would live differently and individuals life would be much
more easier and enjoyable than now.
May be this biblical financial solution will be applied anyways when debts are only increasing just like the cost of living and other things? May be it is God increasing the heat so that nations and people will be relieved by cancelling their debts that can't be paid anyways.
God uses cicumstances sometimes to make people seek
biblical wisdom and solutions for their issues and
now more than anytime ever the biblical wisdom is needed to present financial ,relational ,material and spiritual solutions.
Some may say what is the proof that biblical principles work?
Just look to Israel and the jewish people who totally follow the first covenant and apply it literally in their life and how it works for them as a nation and as individuals.
They are God's proof and witnesses of his faithfulness and credebility of the bible.
Christians must follow also those teachings in the first covenant as Jesus said that he didn't came to cancel the law, but to fulfill it.
Unfortunately those debts are part of the society and everyone has some type of debts,but God wants us debt-free because
he came and paid off all debts on the cross which were part
of the curse
that was broken forever.
Since Jesus presented acceleration in all things when he came so we believe that debts will be cancelled/paid off supernaturally.
Jesus said something important about the temple at that time.
He said : Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days.They said it has taken forty six years to build it.
Today he is saying :Destroy your financial system and I
will build a better one in three days.
Destroy your religious beliefs and I will build up spiritual ones in three days.
Destroy whatever things that aren't working in your life and
let me build better ones in three days.
Just as the temple that took forty six years to be built and
Jesus could build another one instead in just three days,he can destroy any issues such as debts and build
a debt free life quicker than
we could imagine possible
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