Wednesday, November 10, 2010

ماذا فعلت؟ صوت دم اخيك المسيحي صارخُ الي من الارض

قصة اليوم قصة أخوين اثنين، دبت الغيرة في قلب أحدهما.
إنها قصة أولاد آدم وحواء....فقد رزق هاذان مولودا ذكرا
أسمياه قايين. كان قايين ثمرة حبهما ومحور حياتهما وشغلهما
شأن. شاء قايين مثله كمثل باقي الأطفال واستوحذ على
حب والديه كله...فرحة قايين بحب والديه كانت كبيرة وعظيمة
ولكنها لم تدم طويلا. ففي يوم من الأيام فوجئ قايين بوالديه
وقد أنجبا له أخا صغيرا...بدأة ذي بدء فرح قايين بالمولود
الجديد هابيل وطرب بحياته. غير أنه ومع مرور الأيام بدأ يشعر
بتغيير خطر يعم أرجاء بيته. أفاق قايين ليرى والديه
وهما يحيطان بأخيه هابيل ليغرقا عليه الحب والرعاية والتكريم.
وأدرك قايين أنه لم يعد محط أنظار والديه الوحيد وأن أخا
غريبا قد دخل في مملكته وليتربع على العرش بجواره. وبدأت
غيرة عظيمة تدب في قلب قايين وبدأ غيظ شديد يرغي ويزبد في عروقه.

ومرت الأيام وكبر الأخوان ومعهما كبرت غيرة الأكبر من أخيه الأصغر.
وجاء الوقت ليفترق الاثنان وليذهب كل في طريقه.
فاختار قايين أن يكون مزارعا واختار هابيل أن يصير صيادا.

ولكن رغم انفصالهما بقيت الغيرة تتراكم في نفس قايين كتراكم القش
اليابس في الحقول. وفي أحد الأيام وعندما ذهب الاثنان للمثول أمام الله،
وقعت الواقعة، إذ قبل الله تقدمة هابيل الحيوانية ورفض تقدمة قايين النباتية.

أما لماذا قبل الله تقدمة هابيل ورفض تقدمة قايين فسر غامض
لا يكشف الكتاب المقدس النقاب عنه. إلا أننا نقرأ في سفر العبرانيين
أن هابيل قدم قربانه بالإيمان فلذلك قبل من الله.

قبول الله لتقدمة هابيل أثار ثائرة قايين وأشعل النار في قلبه
فأعد هذا العدة للتخلص من أخيه فقتله. إنها الغيرة التي إن
حبلت ولدت الغيظ والكره، والقتل والموت.

ومن يومها والإنسان ماض لقتل أخيه الإنسان. فكم من هابيل قد
قتل منذ مطلع التاريخ وحتى يومنا هذا؟ وكم مسكين سقط ولكن ليس
بسكين الغريب بل بسكين القريب؟ وكم إنسان صرع ولكن ليس بطعنة
خنجر ولا بضربة فأس وإنما بنظرة مكر أو بكلمة حقد،
أجل، صفحة القتل لم تطو في تاريخ البشرية رغم تقدم الإنسان
وازدهاره. بل لقد فتحت منذ ذلك الحين صفحات كثيرة امتلأت
بأنواع عديدة مشينة من قتل ومكر. فراحت الطبقات العليا
تبطش بالطبقات الدنيا، والشعوب القوية تقتل الشعوب الضعيفة.
ويكفي القول أن عدد القتلى في الحروب هذا القرن قد زاد على الثمانين مليونا.

والسؤال الذي يطرح نفسه الآن هو: ما هو موقف الله من قتل
الإنسان لأخيه الإنسان؟ قد نخال الله مرارا كثيرة ساكنا صامتا
مكتوف الأيدي وبلا حراك. فكثيرا ما يسمح للإنسان بغدر أخيه الإنسان،
كثيرا ما يترك الإنسان يقتل أخاه الإنسان.

ولكن رغم هذا فالله لا يقف من جرائم القتل موقف المتفرج بل نراه يواجه القاتل
بسؤال واحد فقط وهو: قايين، أين هابيل أخوك؟ وسؤال الله
هذا ما زال يدوي عبر القرون: أيها الإسرائيلي أين أخوك الفلسطيني؟
أيها المسلم! أين أخوك المسيحي؟ أيها المسيحي، أين أخوك المسلم واليهودي؟
أيها اللوثري! أين أخوك اللوثري، أيها الإنسان، أين أخوك..؟

وجواب قايين لله هو جواب الإنسان على مدى العصور: لا أعلم، أحارس
أنا لأخي؟ لا أعلم، وهل مسؤول أنا عن أخي؟ لا أدري أين أخي
وهل أنا عريف عليه؟ كان هذا جواب الكاهن واللاوي اللذين مرا
بالسامري المضروب والمسلوب فظنا أنهما غير مسؤولين عنه،
فتركاه ليموت على قارعة الطريق. وهو جواب الدول المتقدمة لمشكلات
الدول النامية: هل نحن مسؤولون عن تخلفكم ومشاكلكم ؟
هل نحن مسؤولون عن اقتصادكم وتطوركم؟

ظن قايين أن بقوله لا أعلم سيرتاح، ولكن ألم تجد الراحة
طريقها إلى قلبه، وبدلا منها دخل الخوف والقلق والأرق.

حقا لقد استطاع قايين أن يقضي على أخيه وأن يسكت صوته ولكن
صوتا أقوى ظل يصرخ في وجهه، إنه صوت دم أخيه الذي صعد
إلى الله ودخل أذنيه. صوت دم أخيه ظل يطارد قايين ككابوس مزعج
في ليله ونهاره في نومه وصحوه.

قد يتخلص الإنسان من صوت أخيه ولكنه لن يستطيع أن يتخلص
من صوت ضميره، بل سيبقى هذا يكبله...
ومنذ ذلك الوقت وقايين تائه في الأرض محاولا الهرب من صوت دم
أخيه ومن صوت ضميره. أنه مطارد يحاول الاختباء عن أعين الله والعدالة.

إن الله لا يحاكم القاتل بالقتل ولا بالشنق أو بالكرسي الكهربائي وإنما
بالخوف والقلق والأرق. إذ يجعل من الإنسان المطمئن إنسانا مضطرب
الأعصاب قلق الأفكار.

لقد نهى الله في الوصايا العشر الإنسان عن قتل أخيه الإنسان،
وقد فعل ذلك ليحافظ على حياة الإنسان وليبعد الخوف عن قلب الإنسان.
أما يسوع فلم يكتف بهذه الوصية بل يقول في عظته على الجبل:
"سمعتم أنه قيل للأولين: لا تقتل، فإن من يقتل يستوجب القضاء،
أما أنا فأقول لكم: من غضب على أخيه باطلا استوجب القضاء، ومن قال لأخيه
"يا أحمق". استوجب حكم المجلس. ومن قال له يا جاهل: استوجب نار جهنم.

لقد رأينا في قصة قايين وهابيل كيف أن جريمة القتل لم تأت
صدفة بل كانت نتيجة للحقد والغيرة المتراكمة في قلب قايين.
لذلك قال يسوع: فإذا كنت تقرب قربانك إلى المذبح وذكرت هناك أن
لأخيك عليك شيئا، فدع قربانك قدام المذبح هناك، واذهب قبل ذلك
وصالح أخاك، ثم عد وقرب قربانك.

 لقد أعطانا المسيح وصية جديدة وهي أن نحب بعضنا بعضا.
بالطبيعة أيها الأحباء، نحن أبناء آدم وحواء، نحن أخوة قايين وهابيل،
أما بالمسيح، فقد أصبحنا أبناء آدم الجديد، أبناء الله،
فلسنا بعد أبناء قتلة بل أبناء المحبة.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Listening to God...

Learning to listen to God is an essential part of following His will. The Lord regularly speaks to His followers through four resources:

1. The Bible. Scripture is God’s guidebook to His thoughts and actions. It is the primary source for His followers to consult about everything in their life. This means that we ought to aim for more than just reading a bit every day.  Our goal is to absorb the message—listening for God to offer instructions on how and where to apply His Word.

2. Prayer. Like all real friends, the Lord desires give and take in His relationships. Therefore, prayer is not complete when I’m done talking. I must quiet my mouth and thoughts so that my spiritual ears can open.

3. Circumstances. The Lord often revealed His ways to the biblical saints through their circumstances. He still works that way today. Situations differ but God does not. He uses everyday life to reveal errors in thinking, open or close doors of opportunity, and prove His promises true.

4. Others. Pastors, friends, and mentors can all speak truth into a person’s life. The Lord placed believers in community so they could be supported and helped by those nearby. He doesn’t hesitate to send a message from the mouth of someone we know.

God does not use just one or two of these methods to reach a believer. He speaks through all of them. We need to attune our spiritual ears, always remembering that a message from the Lord must agree with His holy Word. God is talking to you. Are you listening?

                                               Dr.Charles Stanely

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"Do not be afraid"

"Do not be afraid" appears 365 times in the Bible. Hmm, same amount of days in a year!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Moments In Life...

Happy moments, Praise God

Difficult moments, Seek God

Quiet moments,Worship God

Painful moments, Trust God

Every moment, Thank God

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Where Do You Go for Advice?

Because thinking shapes beliefs, and beliefs in turn determine lifestyle, a biblical mindset is vitally important in our Christian walk. Each day we choose to let either the world or God’s Word shape our thoughts. Although most of us are quick to say we believe the Bible, sometimes our actions do not match our words.
Where do you go when you want advice about a big decision or lifestyle choice? Websites, blogs, and the media offer a wealth of information that can be either beneficial or harmful. Co-workers, family, and friends are also readily available sources of counsel, but do they speak with worldly reasoning or godly wisdom? Our only sure resource for true and wise guidance is Scripture. Yet sadly, we do not always seek direction in its pages but instead rely on human intelligence and personal preferences.

Hebrews 4:12 describes God’s Word as ”living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword” and piercing into the deepest parts of the soul. Those who are reluctant to surrender to its penetrating work essentially dethrone the Lord by their refusal to listen and obey. But those who are willing to be nourished by Scripture, accepting its reproof and correction, will discover the riches of a life of faith.
Letting the Word be your guide requires costly changes in thought, attitude, and behavior. Yet any lifestyle adjustments, sacrifices, or disciplines that produce godliness also result in eternal profit. A solid foundation of faith and wisdom starts with going to Scripture for direction.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Do this

Are you looking for a way to deepen your relationship with your heavenly Father? Do you need to see more of His power operating in your daily life? Here's one thing Jesus commanded that we do as believers.

And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me" (Luke 22:19, NIV).

Did you know that partaking of communion is just as much a spiritual act as it is a physical act? When we commune with Him, we are connecting spiritually with all that He is. When we partake of communion, God imparts His life and virtue into us. He gives us His strength and peace. He pours His supernatural power into our lives. That's why Jesus said, "Do this!" He wants to impart His abundant life into us. He longs to empower us and make us victorious in His name!

Many people miss out on the blessing of communion because they think they can only do it at church. But really, the Bible says that as believers, we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We have direct access to our heavenly Father through the blood of Jesus. We can partake of communion anytime from anywhere.

Today, I encourage you to take time to commune with your heavenly Father. Humbly open your heart before Him. Forgive others so you can receive forgiveness. Boldly come to His throne of grace and receive whatever you need by communing with Him today!

Victoria Osteen

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

God Is Working Right Now!

Most of us have a hard time believing that God is working on our behalf until we see something happening with our natural eyes. This usually isn't the way God works. He works behind the scenes much of the time. Right now He is changing hearts and drawing sinners unto Him. Right now He is working in our government. Right now God has a plan for your promotion. He may be speaking to your boss about giving you a raise. God is busy working in your life as long as you believe. Hebrews 11:1 says, Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].
This scripture begins with the word now. Although the Greek word from which it is translated actually means “but, and, etc.,” rather than “at this point in time,” I still believe the term can be used to describe faith and hope. Faith and hope operate right now! Without them, life isn't enjoyable. Every time I lay aside faith and hope, I stop believing and I lose my peace. And as soon as I lose my peace, my joy goes with it. Make a decision to be a now person. God has a good plan for your liferight now. Trust Him today. Believing God brings you into His rest and puts an end to the torment caused by impatience and anxiety while you're waiting. No matter how hopeless your situation seems to be or how long it has been that way, I know you can change because I did. It took time and heaping helpings of the Holy Spirit, but it was worth it. It will be worth it for you, too. Whatever happens, trust in the Lord and trust in the power of hope! My hope is in God who never changes. Nothing is impossible with Him. He is a big God, and I'm believing Him for big things. How about you? 

Joyce Meyer

Monday, May 31, 2010

Let God be God

It is a natural desire to want to be in control of your life; however, it is not an attainable goal. Assuming you can control all the people and situations that come into your life is an unrealistic expectation—and one that leaves you frustrated, angry, and exhausted.

God has a good plan for everyone that includes a life far superior to anything the world has to offer, but attaining it involves dying to self. God relentlessly pursues the flesh—our human nature—and is intent on setting us free from its control. The process of letting go and giving up control can be painful, but the end result is worth it. So let go of control and let God be God in your life.

Joyce Meyer


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

He Always Shows Up

Have you ever made a commitment and then wished you hadn't? I'm sure it happens to everyone at some point. Maybe you made a commitment to go somewhere with a friend or to someone's house for dinner, and at the last minute, you're too tired or something else comes up and you want to switch your plans.

Well the other day, that's exactly what happened to me. I had committed to go somewhere and when it came time to get ready, I was so exhausted. It had been a long day and I was thinking to myself, "Boy, I wish I hadn't committed to this! I wish there was some way I could get out of doing this." As I thought for a minute, it made me realize that sometimes we think God is like us—that He makes a commitment, but we aren't sure He's going to show up. We aren't sure He really wants to do it.

Well, let me reassure you today, God will never call and cancel! He will never "get out of the mood" and "something else" will never come up with God! He always shows up. He never withholds His provision. Just because we don't want to show up sometimes doesn't mean that God doesn't. He is the friend that sticks closer than a brother. He is the faithful One. He is always true to His promises.

Today, meditate on that fact. Let it sink down in your heart. The God of the universe is able and willing to meet your needs. It pleases Him to give you the kingdom. He is faithful from everlasting to everlasting, and His Word is forever settled. Have confidence today when you reach out to Him because you can trust that He will always show up anytime you call upon His name.

He will call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him (Psalm 91:15, NIV).

Victoria Osteen

Friday, May 7, 2010

لا تتذمر .. وراء كل ألم بركة

لا تتذمر من الخيمة وحر النهار فقد تتشرف بزيارة الله كأبراهيم فى شكل ثلاثة رجال للبشارة.

لا تتذمر من السجن وإن كنت بريئآ فقد كان السجن ليوسف سلمآ يؤدى الى رئاسة الوزارة..

لا تتذمر من الجوع فقد يوصلك - مع يعقوب - الى لقاء الحبيب.

لا تتذمر من رعاية الغنم فى البرية فقد اهلت موسى لرعاية شعب الله.

لا تتذمر من ضياع الاتن فقد توجت شاول ملكآ وهو يفتش عليها.

لا تتذمر من فقدان سلامة اخوتك فقد كانت أول خطوات داود نحو الملك.

لا تتذمر من جب الأسود الجائعة فقد يكون مكانآ لك مع ملاك الرب المنقذ.

لا تتذمر فى الطريق من الصليب  فقد يقودك هذا الصليب كما قاد سمعان القيروانى - مع شخصية يسوع المبارك.

لا تتذمر من ألم الأضهادات والسجون فقد يكون مع الألم لذة لقاء السجان مع رب المجد يسوع المسيح.

لا تتذمر من النفى - ولو فى جزيرة بطمس - فقد تتمتع هناك برؤيا الرب يسوع وتكون فى الروح فى يوم الرب.


التذمر وعدم الشكر
مرقس عزيز خليل

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Have you ever been just sitting there and all
of a sudden you feel like doing something nice
for someone you care for?
He talks to you through the Holy Spirit. 

Have you ever been down and out and nobody seems to be around for you to talk to? THAT'S GOD...
He wants you to talk to Him. 

Have you ever been thinking about somebody
that you haven't seen in a long time and then
next thing you know... you see them or receive
a phone call from them? THAT'S GOD...
There  is no such thing as "coincidence."

Have you ever received something wonderful that you didn't even ask for? Like money in the mail, a debt that had mysteriously been cleared, or a coupon to a department store where you had just seen something you wanted,but couldn't afford? THAT'S GOD...
He knows the desires of your heart...

Have you ever been in a situation and you had
no clue how it is going to get better, but now as
you look back on it, you got through it? THAT'S GOD...
He passes us through tribulation to see a brighter day. 

 Author Unknown

Thursday, April 1, 2010

It wasn't only men at the Last Supper.

It wasn't only men who were an important part of Jesus' ministry. Here's who may also have been in the Upper Room.

The roles of women in Christianity have long fascinated me. Growing up in China and seeing the roles of women there but knowing that Jesus loves men and women equally, I remember asking, "Daddy, why didn't Jesus have any girl disciples?"
My missionary father answered, "Why, of course he did." Then he showed me some of the gospel passages in his pocket New Testament about the "girls" and women who followed Jesus.
He read Matthew 27:55: "Many women were there, watching from a distance. They had followed Jesus from Galilee to care for his needs." Then he turned the pages to Luke 8:1-3: "Jesus traveled about from one town and village to another, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. The Twelve were with him, and also some women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases: Mary (called Magdalene) from whom seven demons had come out; Joanna the wife of Cuza, the manager of Herod's household; Susanna; and many others. These women were helping to support them out of their own means."
"See?" he told me. "Jesus had many women followers and disciples."
Several years later, not long after my family escaped from China because of the Communist takeover, and settled safely in Taiwan, I saw a picture of Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper" painting in a magazine. I rushed to Dad and said, "Look, why aren't there any girls at the Last Supper?"
He answered, "The women were likely there. They just aren't shown in this painting." He didn't try to explain centuries of church theology and tradition. Instead he patiently showed me in the gospel accounts how the women were with Jesus and his 12 closest male disciples right before and after the Last Supper.
As I've studied the Bible more deeply, I've discovered women often weren't named. But that doesn't mean they weren't there—such as in the genealogies (with several exceptions in Matthew)—and we all know women had to be there.
So imagine my excitement when my husband and I traveled a few years ago to the Vatican and then the Louvre, and there viewed ancient, wall-sized paintings of the Last Supper portraying women and children along with the men!

Who Were These Women?

According to gospel accounts and Christian tradition, Jesus' mother Mary was one of his most faithful followers. She urged him to turn water into wine at a wedding feast (John 2:1-11) and stood at his cross when he was dying (John 19:26). It's likely she attended that last Passover, a family Seder meal, with her son.
Another Mary, from Magdala, was the disciple Jesus appeared to first after his resurrection (John 20:10-18). She was certainly in the vicinity.
A third Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus of Bethany, could have attended the Last Supper, sitting and listening one last time at Jesus' feet. Someone had to cook the meal. Perhaps her sister, Martha, filled that role (Luke 10:38-42)

Millie Samuelson

Monday, March 29, 2010

كيف يمكن لاب عادل ان يضحي بابنه البار من اجل خطاة؟

كيف يمكن لاب عادل ان يضحي بابنه البار من اجل خطاة؟
سؤال محير للكثيرين هنا في الغرب ويكاد يكون السبب في عدم ايمان الكثيرين وقبول عمل المسيح الكفاري على الصليب من اجلهم
فلو كان الاب الارضي لا يقدم على هكذا تضحية فكيف بالاب السماوي العادل ؟

للاجابة عن هذا السؤال نحتاج ان نستعين بالايات الاولى من انجيل يوحنا  ونكون معادلة جبرية بسيطة تشرح بوضوح عمل المسيح الكفاري وتزيل كل التباس مرتبط به

في البدء كان الكلمة
لو اعتبرنا الكلمة  =X
والكلمة كان عند الله
و استعضنا عن الله ب A
وكان الكلمة الله
والكلمة صار جسدا وحلّ بيننا
من هو الكلمة الذي صار جسدا؟ بالطبع هو يسوع
فلو استعضنا عن يسوع ب الحرف B

من هذه المعادلة البسيطة نستنتج بان الكلمة=الله اي ان الله لم يضحي بابنه بل ضحى بنفسه على الصليب.
وعندما نسمي يسوع ابن الله فليس معناه ان الله- حاشاه -تزوج وانجب بل هو تعبير مجازي يعني بان يسوع له كل صفات الله وطبيعة الله تماما كما نقول بان فلان ابن العراق او ابن النيل فلا نقصد بان الارض حبلت وانجبت فلانا بل ان فلانا يمثل  تلك البلاد.