We have been praying almost everyday for miracles and heavenly interferences to take place on our behalf for soul salvation in the new generation and justice to take place in unjust situations especially concerning children so the devils plans for their life will be totally cancelled and Gods plan is the only one to prevail in their life and family to experience and see his love,care,support and guidance in every area of their life that will surely bring more success and fulfillment and make them fruitful foir the kingsom of God by winning souls and opening the blinds eyes to walk in the
light of the Gospel.
A generation that believes in the biblical values will be a strong generation with moral and ethical values to establish a strong society that is able to overcome evil with good and live in harmony with one another.
God has been answering my each and every prayer as long as I remember and when the answer delays we combine fasting to it and the result is always amazing.The praying life is an exciting life when we see how God surprises us in creative ways by making ways for us when we could not see a possible way and aligning things
to work out for the desired outcome.
Since we are still in this season of passover and enetering the year of jubilee so he is revealing his saving plans to us and assisting us to carry on to get the requests we asked him for.How he does it is not so important as long as he always creates a path for us to experience his mighty and powerful
ability in performing awesome acts and uncommon miracles in just the right time.