Entering this new season of uncommen heavenly visitations to the people of God who have been waiting to be visited by new new revelations from the heavenly realm that causes the Son to be seen and shown to them in fresher and more profound ways that keeps their spiritual life ignited ,updated and more exciting so that they can share their new experience with other believers and churches to prepare in a better way for the sudden return of
the only begotten Son and Saviour.
It\s a very crucial thing that every believer has his own persinal experience with the heavenly and spiritual realm because God does not download everything to one church ,congregation or person.
People are not only different in their level of maturity in faith ,the type of trials they overcome ,background,education level ect.but most important they are different in their capacity of receiving from God and understanding the things revealed to them which makes it important to God to have people that he can trust and rely on in revealing new things to share with others faithfully without changing anything of the revelation for any reason.
When someone uses enough time in prayer and ministry and passes many tests of faith will be qualified and chossen by God to forward what he carries and shares it to the rest of the body of Christ because not evetyone has the same time ,opportunity and capabilty to receive exactly the same information ,revelations,warnings and prophecies about things to come.
But as I now share this visitation that will happen in this month I intend to do so ,so other believers know and prepare for it.The bible says that God shares his secrets with those who fear him and those people must also share with those willing to hear and receive
Events begin to happen in a higher speed, things will change rapidly and suddenly and prayers will be answered quickly so the ekklesia will advance and God's will
and plan will prevail in every situation as long as
there are people praying , interceding and agreeing
to see this success