Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Celebrating his feasts forever

As most who keep those feasts, Jehovah has ordained in his commandments will benefit greatly from the blessing that comes with them. By entering now new seasons in the spirit we already have experienced a shift materially and spiritually and will continue because God wants us to go higher and to compensate for the stolen time and opportunities of the last season. He will bring back everything that was stolen to the rightful and legitimate people.No one can ever reverse what he has already intended and planned 

to do for us.

 In Christ our victory is guaranteed for us who stand on and believe in all the promises that belong to us. 

We are most powerful and able in each aspect and season of 

life to advance forward and take back everything that God has given to us that is written in the bible and is our inheritance

It is a suitable time to make purchases

 and deals in business since God is calling us to take new steps believing that he will come through every time

 to back us up since we know that surely 

 God is with us now and forever

Saturday, September 24, 2022

I AM the worrior


I AM the battle standard

I AM your mighty shield

 I AM He who drives out the wicked before you

I AM a warrior and a poet

 I AM your high tower

I AM omnipotent

 I AM master planner  of all nations and kingdoms

I AM he who cast out nations before you

 I AM God Almighty and infinite in strength

I AM the lion of the tribe of Juda

I AM the Supreme God,deliverer and possessor

I AM He who leads you for my name's sake

 I AM the Kingdom,the power,and the glory

I AM the commander of all Heaven's armies

 I AM the defender of those who believe in Me

I AM the lamb sitting on the throne

 I AM your victorious banner

I AM the defender of Israel

 I AM your sharp two-edged sword

I AM the Lord mighty in battle

 I AM your strength

I AM the enemy of the enemies of Israel

 I AM the fullness of greatness,power,glory,victory and majesty

I AM your battle cry

 I AM the Lord of Hosts

I AM He who annihilated Satan's plans

 I AM the spirit of might

I AM the creator

I AM the light of the world

 I AM God of the cherubim

I AM the God of all flesh

 I AM the Saviour of both the gentiles and the jews

 I AM invisible,yet all creation speaks of Me

 I AM your next breath

I AM the high and lifted up of all creation

 I AM Immanuel ,God with us

 I AM the foundation of the world

 I AM God,who makes you a sign to the unbelievers

I AM the outpoured Spirit on all flesh

 I AM He who rejoices with those who rejoice

 I AM ,and you are my witnesses

 I AM the creator of all that exists

I AM glorified in you

 I AM God of multiplication and reproduction

 I AM the exalted head above all

 I AM the God of the seraphim

I AM Jehovah ,that is my name

 I AM the vine

 I AM God,who is joined to the foreigner

 I AM God,who speaks face to face

I AM the Lord ,the fear of me is the beginning of wisdom

 I AM the artist from whom all artisans draw

 I AM God ,and all that is in heaven and earth is mine


I AM the Promise

I AM God ,who gives you visions

I AM God ,who reveals his form

I AM  the God who speaks through dreams

I AM the seven spirits,and they are me

I AM God of those who are growing weary

I AM always with you ,wherever you are

I AM coming quickly

I AM the sole-key giver of heaven

I AM the precision of my scripture

I AM the healing you seek

I AM the architect of the last days

I AM ,and you shall know my names

I AM life's guarantor of joy and health

I AM God,My secrets are with those who fear me

I AM the Lord,I do not change

I AM God,who shows you things to come

I AM He who leads you in the paths of righteousness

I AM returning

I AM waiting on you

I AM coming on the white horse

I AM He who places your tears in My bottle ,in My book

I AM the Lord the fear of me is a fountain of life

I AM God,who leads you to prophecy

I AM God,and I want you to believe in me

I AM God,who will be found by those who seek Me with all

 their heart and soul

I AM the soon-rending of the Heavens

I AM the soon coming king

I AM God who hears

I AM the Saviour who will come on the mount of Olives

Friday, September 23, 2022

God the reward

 I AM your exceedingly great reward

 I AM both the giver and the gift

 I AM God,who will answer you

 I AM the just rewarder of all who seek me

I AM the Spirit of liberty

 I AM from above

 I AM the fountain of life

 I AM the giver of great wisdom

 I AM he who teaches you to profit

 I AM the giver of abundant life

 I AM able to give you much more than this

 I AM God,who prepares a table for you in 

the prescence of your enemies

I AM the preparer of your place in heaven

 I AM He who anoints your head with oil

 I AM the source of all true wealth

 I AM moe than you can ask or think

 I AM the Maker of many mansions therein

 I AM the Holy Spirit who hovers over your life to bring higher order

 I AM the bridegroom returning to my bride

 I AM the inheritance of the levite

I AM the Sabbath restin the midst of two or three

 gathered in my name


I AM the Holy

 I AM God ,who divided the waters

 I AM the Root of Jesse

 I AM God,who turns water into wine

 I AM the Holy one of Israel

I AM the sacred shema of the ancients

 I AM understanding

 I AM God whose ways are perfect

 I AM God,whose rainbow is My everlasting covenant with you

 I AM the Creator of Israel

 I AM the guiding star at Jesus' birth

 I AM the God of Jerusalem,wherein is My name

 I AM He of whom all the prophets foretold

I AM the God of all knowledge

 I AM the Holy of Holies

 I AM God,who leads you into all truth

 I AM the Lord ,sitting on his throne

 I AM the Holy Spirit,who hovered over the chaos of this earth

 I AM the Lord God of Abraham,Isaac,and Jacob

 I AM the light of Genesis that was before light was

 I AM God,who formed the earth to be inhabited

I AM God ,who is joined to the eunuch


God of the eternity

 I AM one

 I AM the cornerstone

 I AM God ,there is no other

 I AM He who inhabits eternity

 I AM who I Am

 I AM the same every day

 I AM He who was ,and is,and is to come

 I AM omnipresent

 I AM God,whose eyes behold

 I AM God,ready to perform My word

 I AM :I never change

 I AM before the day was

 I AM the everlasting God

 I AM the Rock of Ages on which you stand

 I AM God,who knows all My works through eternity

 I AM the resurrection and the life

 I AM the self-sufficient,self-sustaining,self-creating one

 I AM God who simultaneously sees beginningand the end

 I AM the Alpha and the Omega

 I AM not of this world

 I AM thw Word ,which was in the beginning

 I AM,equal and eternal

 I AM King forever and ever

 I AM ruler of both the night and the day

 I AM humanity's builder of faith through the ages

 I AM the uncaused,eternal,self-existent one

 I AMthe word of life,called the bible

 I AM I never change

 I AM all My names

 I AM Spirit

 I AM the first and last

Thursday, September 22, 2022

God the shepherd



                      I AM your shepherd ,you shall not want

 I AM God in the stillness

 I AM interceding for you right now

 I AM your confidence

 I AM the dispeller of fear 

 I AM humanity's friend who sticks closer than a brother

 I AM compassion

 I AM the spirit of counsel

 I AM the true shepherd

 I AM there with you

 I AM God who strengthens you

 I AM the candle lighting your path

 I AM He who wipes away your tears

 I AM your peace and calm

 I AM the saving refuge of my anointed

 I AM near to those who have a broken heart

 I AM the Lord ,he who is joined with Me is one spirit with Me

 I AM your provider

 I AM love

 I AM the counselor ,Mighty God ,Everlasting Father

 I AM in the desert wilderness to be tender with you

 I AM with you and will keep you wherever you go

I AM the justice

 I AM the righteous judge of all creation

I AM with the generation of the righteous

I AM holy,pure and undefiled

I AM the witness on your behalf

I AM God: besides me there is no god

I AM the law

I AM the king of kings

I AM perfect knowledge

I AM the spirit of wisdom

I AM the divine judge of all things

I AM righteous

I AM judge of the living and the dead

I AM before whom every tongue will confess

I AM the Lord who loves righteousness

I AM to be feared above all gods

I AM he who sent Moses to deliver Israel

I AM my judgements

I AM God,and no one can reverse my acts

I AM the Lord who heals you

I AM God my testimony is sure

I AM God by whom all actions are weighed

I AM righteous, kings humble themselves before me

I AM God,my statutes rejoice the heart

I AM the unbiased,impartial judge

I AM God who makes unbreakable covenants with mankind

I AM God,my commandments enlightens the eyes

I AM God who refines you

I AM my ordinances

Monday, September 12, 2022

Rebuking the swallowers


Let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end,but establish the just

God is with the generation of righeous.My enemies are in great fear

Let the mouth of the swallowers be closed in Jesus name

It will be well with me because I will eat the fruit of my work.

The scepter of the wicked will not rest on the land allotted to the righteous

Let every attack of demons against my life be swallowed up

God will help the children of the righteous and rescue them from all evils.

Let everything that the enemy swallowed up come forth in Jesus name

Let all curses and negative words spoken against my life and my children's life be swallowed up

Let all assignments of hell against my life be swallowed up.

Let  assignement and purpose in my life be not swallowed up

Let all lying lips about the righteous be swallowed up

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Attacking All Evils


Satan you are a loser and have lost the war in the heavens

Let all enemies that make war with the lamb be destroyed

God, thunder over all those enemies release your voice ,hail stones and coals of fire

I have pursued my enemies and overtaken them

I close doors to demonic and every evil spirit that would try to enter my life

I am your chosen one and you give me great deliverance

Let me walk ,talk in a perfect spirit

I command all the devils to now leave my children in the name of Ye

Antichrist spirits  I overcome because greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world

Let the hammer of wicked people be broken.

I break down all walls of  any Jericho in my life

Make the crooked places straight and the rough places smooth before me

Asking for rescuing from evils


Save us from all evils

Keep us from all evils

No evil will come  or touch us 

We put on the armor of God that we might stand in the evil day

Put to shame all those who wish us evil

 Preserve us from all evils

We cancel every plan and force of evil sent against our life

Let all the work of evil be burned by your Holy fire