In this season of intense warfare in the world and in the church God is shaking things again to expose the evil plans and strategies of various and numerous enemies so that their real actions will speak loudly for them and warn others about the size of the danger they represent unless stopped and judged thoroughly.
The physical war is no different in principles from the spiritual war. We as Christians become automatically soldiers in God's kingdom to fight on his side in order to advance
His kingdom and to restrain evil continually and frustrate his destructive plans to kill steal and destroy
What is different in a spiritual war than a physical one is the everpresent heavenly help that is available and can be accessed through prayer and confessions and the other difference is the type of weapons that are not physical but spiritual.
God in these very last days is demonstrating physically to all people things that were maybe unseen for generations due to technology lack in prior times.
All this intensity in events from viruses, wars, and financial changes are his methods to get people's attention to the seriousness of these times and to lead them to repentance, choosing to believe and be saved in addition to displaying his saving power for all who trust in him and his only Messiah.
The greater the attack the greater the miraculous and supernatural interference of heaven on behalf of the believers.
God always manifests glorious and powerful miracles when the situation is challenging and he does it over and over and over again because he specializes in rescuing all those who call on his name and pray in righteousness and truth.
But rescue is not enough for him he always makes sure that the enemy pays for the total restoration.
Since we are in the days of great harvest for God's people we expect complete recompense and huge payback due to all that we had to endure because of the enemy and God is working behind the scenes to make all things turn in the end to our benefit and his glory.