Thursday, December 30, 2021
Make Sure Sin Is Divorced Before The Year Ends
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Coming Soon:Your Messiah
Celebrating another unusual Christmas season with so much going on in the world makes the coming of a real and powerful Messiah so demanded.
One who can fix the mess, stop the storms with words, redeem from the curse, destroy the yokes of oppression, and various social issues people are trying to fix.
Though the times are different the circumstances and the issues that accompanied the savior's birth are extremely similar.
The jews were living under heavy oppression from the Romans and had almost given up on any expected change in their situation especially after God was silent in 400 years and no greater small prophet had appeared to bring a word from the Lord or to deliver.
But God was orchestrating the biggest event meanwhile to save the whole world not only one race and to deliver from eternal punishment those who accept him and believe in him as the only son of God who came in the flesh to represent the beginning of the new covenant which is based on better promises.
For this specific reason, Satan tried to abort God's plan from the start by trying to kill Jesus so the redemption plan would never take place.
As we all know Satan is no match for God and he lost his position in heaven because of rebellion and pride.
God's plans and purposes only prevail.The holy bible is a book that shows this supreme fact and God's faithfulness to his people generation after generation by rescuing them over and over again, providing for them, and fighting all their battles. He is a trustworthy and dependable God.
It is totally safe to trust only God and Mary did this and was highly favoured and honoured for trusting God's word completely with all the stigma that followed her and her family their whole life.
Today more than ever the world needs desperately a real saviour who can not only fix the material issues or natural catastrophes but change from the inside and give birth to a new nature.
This savior has already come and brought all the solutions to every problem a human being may face
and that is why many people are coming to faith in Christ in these times than before and are more recipients of the gospel than any other time.
He really is the world's only Messiah and everybody who believes in him will be saved here and in the life to come.
He came to establish another type of governing based on justice and peace and the bible mentions that wars will cease and military equipment will be destroyed under his reign.
The lion and the lamb will dwell together safely because their nature will be changed and all will live in peace and prosperity.
Such a mighty ruler is what the world is looking for and hoping to get every time they elect a leader and in most cases, after a short time, they get disappointed and try to find someone better to solve the problems.
The problem in the world is first spiritual and can't be fixed in any other way.
That is why Jesus almost always fixed first the spiritual issues in people and then the issue they thought was the problem.
That is why celebrating Christmas and the coming of Jesus is more important now than any other time because it does not remind us of a historical event that happened 2000 years ago, but is the hope and excitement for perfect rulership that is coming soon to put an end to suffering, injustices, oppression and all the negative issues related to the curse.
Christians also will rule with him and will be given positions in his kingdom according to their works for him in this life.
We have so much to be excited about and rewarded for so let all the saints encourage each other and work wholeheartedly for our Lord and savior for he who promised is faithful.
Saturday, December 11, 2021
Mark All False Prophets